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Azure DevOps Podcast

Message from Jeffrey Palermo: Howdy.  Welcome to my podcast.  I hope it helps you ship software more quickly and more reliably. Through the topics and guests, I hope your life is made easier. Let me know what topics would be helpful for you.

Podcast sponsor: Clear Measure We are a software architecture company that empowers our client's development teams to be self-sufficient: moving fast, delivering quality, and running their systems with confidence.

Sep 25, 2023

Jimmy is the creator and maintainer of the popular OSS libraries AutoMapper and MediatR. Jimmy is an independent consultant based in Austin, TX. Jimmy has received the “Microsoft Most Valuable Professional” (MVP) award every year since 2009.


Topics of Discussion:

[3:45] How do we modernize old software systems?

[4:55] Dividing the modernization process into small steps to minimize dependencies and validate changes along the way.

[5:01] Does Jimmy have a preferred sequence of work that he has found that makes modernizing a system easier?

[7:01] Modernizing legacy ASP.NET web applications with test coverage.

[7:24] System web adapters.

[12:02] Database migration to Azure using SQL Data Sync and Hangfire.

[12:09] Any “gotchas” on the database side?

[15:27] What exactly is Hangfire?

[17:02] The flexibility of Hangfire in its triggers and scheduling.

[23:49] How system web adapters enable easy migration of controllers and actions.

[25:16] Second success story for YARP: Yet Another Reverse Proxy.

[27:15] What was the thought about observability architectures?

[29:02] What are some of Jimmy’s favorite features?

[32:08] The team modernized the telemetry system for a large organization, enabling them to query data more efficiently and gain valuable insights.

[35:05] Lessons learned and best practices while modernizing.NET applications with Azure DevOps.


Mentioned in this Episode: YARP

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.NET DevOps for Azure: A Developer’s Guide to DevOps Architecture the Right Way, by Jeffrey Palermo — Available on Amazon!

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Architect Tips — Video podcast!

YARP: Yet Another Reverse Proxy


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